blog/en/tag/hamburg-sud-tracking/ by/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Fri, 12 Mar 2021 23:01:25 GMT --> بایگانی‌های hamburg sud tracking - Shipup Magazine

Tagged: hamburg sud tracking

6 New Shipping Line Tracking on Shipup 0

6 New Shipping Line Tracking on Shipup

We are so proud to announce that 6 new shipping line tracking was added on Shipup. From now you can track any shipment carried by 13 biggest shipping lines in the world. Since the begging, we’ve continuously added tracking for lines with more request and market share. Today we have lunched container tracking for 6 new shipping lines as below:  Hapag tracking for Hapag lloyd shipping companyOne tracking for Ocean Network Express shipping companyOOCL tracking for Orient Overseas Container LineAPL tracking for American President LineHamburg Sud tracking for Hamburg Sud Shipping CompanySafmarine tracking for Safmarine shipping Company Hapag-Lloyd Shipping Line...

Integrated Container Tracking 0

Integrated Container Tracking with Vessel Current Location

Integrated Container Tracking with Vessel Current Location You may need to know the current location of your container on the vessel. Shipup integrated container tracking intelligently integrates the vessel current location with your container tracking result if its loaded on board. Using integrated container tracking, while you are checking your container movements, current location of the vessel is shown on map. In other words, in addition to container status, you will find its current location on world map. In addition, it doesn’t matter which shipping line your container belongs to, Shipup container tracking covers main shipping lines, Maersk tracking, MSC...

blog/en/tag/hamburg-sud-tracking/ by/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Fri, 12 Mar 2021 23:01:25 GMT -->